1950 January 27-Fuchs confesses that he gave atomic secrets to the Soviets. U.S. above-ground tests start in Nevada. January 31-Truman announces the decision to proceed with the H-bomb. 1952 October 3-First British atomic detonation, Monte Bello Islands, Australia. October 31-U.S. explodes first fusion device, Mike, of 10.4 Mt at Eniwetok. 1953 August 12-First Soviet fusion device exploded on a tower in Siberia. 1954 January 21-First nuclear-powered submarine, U.S.S. Nautilus, launched. March 1-The 'BRAVO' H-bomb test; Marshall Islanders and the crew of the "Lucky Dragon"are affected by fallout. April 12 to May 6-Oppenheimer hearings deny him access to nuclear secrets. 1955 November 22- First fusion device test by the Soviet Union, it had a yield of 1.6 megatons. The development was lead by Andrei Sakharov. 1957 May 15-First British H-bomb exploded at Christmas Island. September 19-First underground test, Rainier, 1.7 kilotons. 1958 November, 1958 to September, 1961-U.S., U.K., and U.S.S.R. observe an informal moratorium on nuclear tests.